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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

National Ed-Tech Goals

The latest release of the US national ed-tech plan includes the following goals, as summarized in an 11/9 article of eSchool News:
  • Using educational technology to fundamentally change the learning process by making it more engaging and tailored to individual student needs and interests;
  • Using ed tech to develop a new generation of assessments;
  • Connecting teachers with their peers and experts so they are always up-to-date on the resources available to them;
  • Building infrastructure that lets schools support access to technology in and out of the classroom; and
  • Harnessing the power of educational technology to increase school district productivity and student achievement.
What do you think of these goals? Do they align well with BB&N's? Are there any others you would add? You can access the full plan on the Department of Education website.