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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Faculty Hub For Academic Support

Our goal in creating a Power School Page/Site entitled Faculty Hub For Academic Support was to create a central location for faculty to access information related to Academic Support Services. By using technology and asynchronous learning, we wanted to facilitate faculty engagement that might otherwise not happen. We wanted to create a resource that faculty could come to on their own time, as needed and when it worked for their schedule. We set out to provide resources regarding learning and development, diverse learning styles and approaches to respond to a range of learners.

The Launch Grant project included the generation and curation of information about terms, strategies, current research, relevant websites and TED talks. It also served as a central location to post useful documents and materials, such as how to interpret ERB scores. In addition, we have generated podcasts and screencasts on particular subject areas which faculty can listen to when the timing works for them. So far we have developed a podcast on Working Memory and a screencast on interpreting ERB test results. We hope to create a podcast about ADHD and its presentation in girls this spring/summer. The time needed to develop the podcasts was significant as we had to learn the technology and generate content and script on the topics. That said, we have learned a lot to now be able to more efficiently create future podcasts.

We expect the site to provide faculty greater access to support materials, to create a common understanding and shared language around learning and support, and to better coordinate efforts in addressing student needs.

Jamie Wallace
Monika Wilkinson
Learning Specialists