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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Upper School Launch Grant- Website for Community Service

The primary goal of the launch grant was to work on the US Community Service website. I discovered rather quickly that I am not a web designer and had a lot of trouble figuring out what I wanted the website to look like and what it should accomplish. As I explored ways to improve it, an idea struck me that I would like a better way to show students where they could do local service. Students often ask me for ideas and the conversation leads to finding places that are near their homes or near the school. I thought a map would be really helpful. Then I thought that a map that had pins at different service sites would be even better. After some intense research and exploring multiple possibilities, Google Maps turned out to be the best option. I played around with the program, did multiple trial runs, and eventually figured out how to make it work. Now, students can click on a pin and the site name and type of work will pop up. Students can select whether they wish to work with youth, at a food pantry, at a shelter, etc. This has proven helpful in recent conversations as student see that they can explore their interests on their own time.

-Meena Kaur