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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New MS POP Initiative~ Positive Online Presence

Collaboration with Sandra Cortesi, Director of the Youth & Media Center from Harvard's Berkman Center, and our soon-to-be MS Leadership Council
Sandra and her Team represent a fabulous local resource!  The new MS POP Initiative is an exciting follow up from her visit with the Middle School Tech Team last year and this collaboration opportunity provides a remarkable "focus" for this year's Leadership Council.  

Why we are so excited?
  1. Opportunity to collaborate with the Berkman Center and participate in their innovative work and contribute to the center’s ongoing research
  2. Means to stay up-to-date on current ways that young people interact with digital media such as the Internet, cell phones, and video games, harness associated opportunities and address media challenges
  3. Opportunity for the Middle School students to develop as leaders
    • Shape MS technology policies (rules/norms)
    • Design and develop two units for the 7th and two units for the 8th grades and facilitate the instruction.
    • Student-driven teaching is the most effective. Students teach each other what is most important to them (with adult framing of the conversation). A sample of student-driven topics of interest we envision:
        • Privacy, reputation, and social media;
        • Safety; Online relationships;
        • Creativity and strategies to make student’s work more visible;
        • How to use the Internet as a tool for empowerment - how the Internet can teach students anything they want to know more about;

For some quick background on the Berkman Center: