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Thursday, February 28, 2013

5th Grade Update- February in Review

5th graders spent the month of February finishing their Colonial textbooks.  New this year- the students turned them into online flipbooks, which is a very exciting new element of the project!  Final projects can be viewed here.

Friday, February 15, 2013

4th Grade Internet Safety- Digital passport Summaries

In January and February, 4th graders completed the following Internet Safety lessons:
Communication: Twalkers- Students learn why it's important to avoid multitasking with a cell phone. They consider the benefits of focusing on one task at a time.
Family Tips

Privacy: Share Jumper- Students evaluate examples of online messages. They decide what information is appropriate to share and when. Students are also reminded that nothing is truly "private" or "erasable" online.
Family Tips

Cyberbullying: E-Volve- Students make choices about what to do if they or their friends are cyberbullied. They are encouraged to "evolve" into an “Upstander” – someone who takes action to stop cyberbullying, rather than standing by.
Family Tips

Search: Search Shark- Students learn how to choose effective keywords for searching online. They practice selecting keywords that are most relevant to a search prompt. Along the way, students discover hints for narrowing their search results.
Family Tips

Creative Credit: Mix-n-Mach- Students remix media content to create a new creative piece. Along the way, they give proper credit to the artists whose images and sound clips they use.

Monday, February 4, 2013

6th Grade Internet Safety

This week 6th graders are starting their Internet Safety unit in technology class.  We are going to use CommonSense Media's Internet Safety lessons on safety and security as well as privacy and digital footprints, in addition to using their "Digital Passport" program.  The lessons will take us all the way until March break.  Helpful resources for parents are linked to below.

Safety and Security

Privacy and Digital Footprints

Digital Passport