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Monday, March 19, 2012

Personal Learning Networks (part 2)

Following up on my post about PLN tools from last month, I wrote a long description about "making the most of personal learning networks" for my presentation on this topic at the 2012 NAIS conference that took place in Seattle at the end of February. The NAIS conference attendees are primarily school leaders, so I framed the discussion for this audience, describing what PLNs are, why they are important, and how to grow one's own.

 I encouraged participants to take the following steps to start, and to grow, their networks:
  1. Get on a list-serv.
  2. Start blogging.
  3. Try using twitter.
  4. Use Google Docs.
  5. Start using social bookmarking.
The full post has a lot more info on each of these, as well as the description and rationale.