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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2013-2014 Launch Grant Recipients

Here are the teachers' launch grants from the 2013-2014 school year. You can read more about the launch grant process on our launch grant help page.

Debbie SladeLSMusic notation and skill practice
Carol FineLSTree E-books
Lora Mazaheri and Maura PritchardLSIpads for Differentiation and Assessment
5th & 6th Grade TeachersLS5th & 6th summer iPad prep
Rebecca GearyLSiPad Exploration for Science Instruction
Kelley SchultheisMSAlternative Energy &Animal Behavior
Science Department MSMS Knights of Science Field Study.
Dorothy WilliamsMSLibrary Parent Pages
Susannah WalkerUSUS History Pilot Site
Thomas SiegelUSUS History Pilot Site
Christine OultonUSipad use in classroom
Karina BaumUSSocial media in the classroom
US Science Dept.USiPad Exploration for Science Instruction